RAFFF Branded slide for representing updating the JPA system

Friday 25th March 2022

Has there been a change in your personal circumstances? Are your children recorded?  

The Joint Personnel Administration (JPA) system  is the focal point for a number of areas affecting you as Service personnel and your families, from approving your allowances to supporting you through career management. It is the main source of information for Human Resource professionals and Career Managers – and ensuring your details are correct will assist them in carrying out their role. Incorrect information can impact you when applying for Service Families Accommodation (SFA), allowances or when reviewing suitability for future assignments. 

When was the last time you checked on JPA? 

Checking and confirming your personal details are correct is very important and you are encouraged to check your information regularly, and at least on an annual basis. If you are reading this as a family member of someone in the RAF, ask your Serving ‘other half’ when they last updated the JPA system – especially if you have had a new addition to your family recently. 

Has something changed? 

JPA, the intranet-based personnel administration system used by the RAF since April 2006. It is a personal responsibility of every Service person to keep their data correct and up-to-date. If not, you could be losing out. 

  • Has there been a change in your personal circumstances? 
  • Are your children recorded? 

Why keep JPA updated? 

Moving house is considered to be in the top 5 stressful situations healthstatus.com Feb 22.  This life event is regular occurrence for Service Personnel and their families due to the transient lifestyle and frequent assignments.  

When applying for SFA it is very important that your family details are correct on JPA to allow allocation of an appropriate property based on your circumstances.  There has been a number of instances where applications have been rejected due to incorrect JPA data.  This adds to the already stress of moving home, finding schools, spousal employment etc; By ensuring your family details are correct it is one less thing to worry about when moving home. 

Accommodation campaign month of March

This news story is brought to you as part of the themed campaign month of March focusing on accommodation. You’ll be able to read about all things connected to housing – sharing updates and tips to you as RAF personnel and RAF families.

See also: Housing and Accommodation

Branded image of a wooden house with tools circled around the house to reflect the March campaign month focused on accommodation.

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