Pupil celebrating exam success 1

Friday 13th August 2021

Students and staff at Defence Children Services (DCS) are celebrating another year of excellent examination results from the MOD’s secondary schools. The schools in Cyprus who follow the English National Curriculum and Queen Victoria School (QVS) in Dunblane, who follow the Scottish Curriculum have all achieved high levels of success. Results, for all examinations are above the national average for England/Scotland.

ResultsSt Johns SchoolKing Richard School
Students achieving a pass (Grade 4 or above) in both English and Maths.96%71%
Students achieving a grade 5 or better in English or Maths.66%64%
A Level Results graded A* – C92%90%
A Level Results graded A – A*44%60%

Headteacher at St Johns School Cyprus, Emma Bryson says:

“We are so proud of our students and staff for showing relentless resilience and optimism during a year full of uncertainty”.

Headteacher at King Richard School Cyrpus, Richard Sproson said:

“I am absolutely thrilled with the results our students have achieved this year. Each and every one of us will have our own COVID experience but it is fair to say that dealing with these at critical phases of education has added another dimension for those receiving results today”.

QVS, Scotland achieved the following:

  • 65% achieving 3 or more Highers
  • 87% achieving 5 or more National 5s and 100% of pupils passing their National 4s

Headteacher at QVS, Donald Shaw said:

“Students at QVS have performed incredibly well in their 2021 examinations. Despite not being in school between December and April, our students engaged fully with their online learning and were able to make significant progress whilst at home, before consolidating their skills when school reopened”.

Assistant Chief Education Officer at DCS, Nicola Goulding said:

“We are absolutely thrilled with the results our students have achieved in this, the most difficult of years. In A levels our students surpassed all expectations with 100% pass rate. All students in Cyprus have achieved the results they need to allow them to continue to study at their first choice for Further Education. The successes our students have achieved are testament to their hard work and commitment. Whilst the students efforts are pivotal to these successes, they are truly a team effort. We would like to give thanks to all teachers, support staff and governors who have supported our students throughout the year. In addition to this we would like to thank all our parents who have done so much to support our schools”.

Defence Children Services (DCS) is extremely proud of the Schools for continuing to achieve excellence throughout a challenging year. Our young people have flourished, they are fully prepared for their next steps in life and we wish them all the best for their futures.

MOD Schools

See also: Education and childcare

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