Forces Familise Jobs branded slide saying

Friday 8th July 2022

Did you know that as a partner, or older son/daughter of someone who is Serving in the RAF, that you can use Forces Families Jobs to access a whole host of career support? Here we focus on the training that is available; much of which is free.

First things first, what is Forces Families Jobs (FFJs)?

FFJs is a free, one-stop-shop website for you to use to access to new jobs, training opportunities, CV and interview guidance.

The website is run by the Naval Families Federation, the Army Families Federation and the RAF Families Federation as a place to go to for all things career-related for all families in the UK Armed Forces.

Free Training courses

There are currently 29 providers offering free training courses ranging from bookkeeping, digital development (through organisations such as Amazon and Microsoft), construction training to returning to nursing.

Setting up your own business is popular with military families living a mobile lifestyle. There are providers of start-up training (also free) to support you from your initial idea through to reality. You will also become part of a much wider peer network of self-employed partners who offer support to each other.

Discount training

You can explore adult/children’s mental health and safeguarding courses, management and leadership through distance learning or a beginners introduction to resin and resin art through some of the 24 organisations offering discounted courses.

Career advice

You could be looking for career advice as your very first foot on the employment ladder, had a career break – or as someone who is employed but looking to take that next step. You need to brush up on your self-promotion skills and could just use some advice. This section is brilliant for signposting you to the right people!

RAF FF Communications Manager, Caroline Woodward explaining how to use Forces Families Jobs to a partner at the coffee morning.

A member of the RAF Families Federation Team helping a family member navigate FFJs on her mobile phone at RAF Marham ©Crown Copyright.

Apprenticeship opportunities

Apprenticeships are offered to people of all ages from 16 years of age onwards; many becoming more accessible to people over 25 years old. Find out which organisations offer these opportunities who are forces friendly.


Volunteering can mean many things to many people. The right match in finding a volunteering role can help you to find friends, connect with the community, learn new skills, and even advance your career.

Funding available

If funding your training poses an issue, the ‘funding available‘ section may offer a solution for you.


The Events’ page is worth keeping an eye on as often companies run ‘taster days’; some face-to-face; some online as well as employment fayres and training days. All are great ways to look at what options are there for you and through a super-friendly community.

Who is eligible to use the site?

  • Spouses and partners of currently Serving and Reserve personnel, and adult children (aged 18-25)
  • Spouses and partners of Service personnel who have left the Armed Forces within the last 12 months, and adult children (aged 18-25)
  • Bereaved spouses and partners for up to two years post service, and adult children (aged 18-25)

Forces Families Jobs training branded slide showing someone sat using a laptop.

See also: Further employment and training topics and access a copy of the free guide, Career Pursuit.

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