Sad man illustrating JSP 913 Whole Force Policy on Domestic Abuse

Thursday 3rd November 2022

Following a comprehensive review of JSP 913, using evidence provided through academic research and acting on stakeholders’ insights and experiences, this newly published revision provides comprehensive direction and guidance to support all personnel in dealing with Domestic Abuse issues.

JSP 913: Whole Force Policy on Domestic Abuse provides Whole Force direction and guidance on Domestic Abuse. It is to be used by all those within Defence who may or should be involved in responding to Domestic Abuse. It is for use as a reference for all MOD Service or civilian personnel (including their family members) regarding the expectations and procedures of the organisation. The JSP is in 2 parts, the first part is the Policy for the 3 Services and MOD Civil Servants and Part 2 is the Guidance, this includes Support and Signposting in Part 2 which lists all the different agencies that can be accessed. If you need help there is additional information Armed forces domestic abuse: where to get help – GOV.UK ( and on our website Domestic Abuse > RAF Families Federation (

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

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